Feed My Sheep

Feed My Sheep is a humble effort to bring pastors and church leaders together to foster friendship, partnership, and mutual encouragement.

The conference is a one-day event centered around faithful teaching related to relevant pastoral subjects. Our desire is to promote a vision for pastoral ministry that has, at its heart, a commitment to biblical shepherding. This year we look forward to welcoming our speakers: Mark Dever, Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church of Washington, DC; President, 9Marks Ministries // Alex DiPrima, Pastor of Emmanuel Church of Winston Salem, NC.

A free lunch as well as snacks and coffee will be provided throughout the day (gluten free options will be available). We plan to give away a number of good books to conference attendees who register!

Our sponsors this year are 9marksThe Pillar Network, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary.

DATE: November 11, 2024



Registration will be capped at 300.


 Emmanuel Church of Winston-Salem
407 Petree Road
Winston-Salem, NC 27106


9:00-9:45AM – Registration and Coffee
9:45-10:00AM – Welcome and Announcements
10:00-10:50AM – First Session
10:50-11:00AM – Break
11:00-11:50AM – Second Session
12:00-1:00PM – Lunch
1:15-2:15PM – Panel Discussion
2:15-2:30PM – Break
2:30-3:30PM – Third Session


Mark Dever - Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church; President, 9Marks Ministries
Mark serves as the senior pastor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, DC. A Duke graduate, Dr. Dever holds a M.Div. from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, a Th.M. from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Ph.D. in Ecclesiastical History from Cambridge University. He is the president of 9Marks Ministries and has taught at a number of seminaries. Dr. Dever has authored several books and articles, including, What is a Healthy Church?, The Gospel and Personal Evangelism, Nine Marks of a Healthy Church, The Deliberate Church.

Alex DiPrima - Pastor, Emmanuel Church of Winston-Salem
Alex is the preaching pastor of Emmanuel Church, giving special attention to preaching, counseling, and discipleship. He grew up in Miami, Florida and the Upstate of South Carolina. In 2017, he, along with a small team, planted Emmanuel Church in northwest Winston Salem. Alex is married to his lovely wife, Jenna, and they have three children - two sons, Dominic and Judah, and a daughter, Camden. Alex holds a B.S. in Finance from Clemson University, an M.Div. in Christian Ministry and Ph.D. in Historical Theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author of Spurgeon and the Poor: How the Gospel Compels Christian Social Concern and editor of Servants of Christ, Lovers of Men: Spurgeon on Pastoral Ministry. He's also published several articles with the Gospel Coalition, 9Marks, and the London Lyceum.

FMS 2023

At FMS 2023 we enjoyed messages from Phil Newton, Director of Pastoral Care and Mentoring at the Pillar Network, Aaron Menikoff of Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA, and Alex DiPrima of Emmanuel Church in Winston Salem, NC. You can access their messages below:

Phil Newton - "Pastoral Ministry in the Shadow of the Cross" (audio | video)

Aaron Menikoff - "Holiness in Ministry" (audio | video)

Alex DiPrima - "Exemplary Traits of Spurgeonic Preaching" (audio | video)

Feed My Sheep Panel Discussion (video)

FMS 2022

At FMS 2022 we enjoyed messages from Juan Sanchez of High Pointe Baptist Church in Austin, TX, Bobby Jamieson of Capitol Hill Baptist Church of Washington, D.C., and Alex DiPrima of Emmanuel Church in Winston Salem, NC. You can access their messages below:

Juan Sanchez - "Whoever Would Be Great Must Be Your Servant" (audio | video)

Bobby Jamieson - "Four Gospel Gifts that Matter More than Ministry" (audio | video)

Alex DiPrima - "Together in the Storm: The Friendship of Newton and Cowper" (audio | video)

Feed My Sheep 2022 Panel Discussion (video)

FMS 2021

At FMS 2021 we enjoyed messages from Ed Moore of North Shore Baptist Church in Queens, NY, Andy Davis of First Baptist Church of Durham, NC, and Alex DiPrima of Emmanuel Church in Winston Salem, NC. You can access their messages below:

Andy Davis - "Heaven: An Eternal Education in the Glory of God" (audio | video)

Alex DiPrima - "Speak as the Oracles of God: Martyn Lloyd Jones and the Task of Preaching" (audio | video)

 Ed Moore  - "The Church and Her Glorious Message" (audio | video)

Feed My Sheep 2021 Panel Discussion (audio | video)

FMS 2020

At FMS 2020 we enjoyed messages from Ed Moore of North Shore Baptist Church in Queens, NY, Aaron Menikoff of Mount Vernon Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA, and Alex DiPrima of Emmanuel Church in Winston Salem, NC. You can access their messages below:

Aaron Menikoff - "Generous God, Generous Pastor: Romans 8:32" (audio | video)

Alex DiPrima - "John Owen and a Word for Pastors" (audio | video)

Ed Moore - "Encouragement: 1 Thessalonians 5:9-11" (audio | video)

Feed My Sheep 2020 Panel Discussion (audio | video)